Twintex | High-Quality Manufacturer | Portugal

Prevention of Corruption Risks

Decree-Law 109-E/2021 of 9 December imposes an obligation on private companies with 50 or more employees to implement internal measures to prevent and detect the risks of corruption and related offences. Among these measures is this Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Offences (hereinafter referred to as ‘PPR’), as a regulatory compliance programme.

The PPR is designed to prevent, identify and respond to potential corruption situations, protecting Twintex - Indústria de Confecções, Lda. from the harmful consequences of an accusation of corruption or a similar incriminating legal type, avoiding damage to its reputation and honour.

The PPR, together with the Code of Conduct, the training programme and the whistleblowing channel, constitute a set of rules designed to prevent corruption, since Twintex - Indústria de Confecções, Lda. guides its actions by complying with the highest ethical standards, which aim to ensure respect for the principles of integrity, loyalty, competence and responsibility.

Therefore, in accordance with article 6, no. 1, of Decree-Law no. 109E/2021, of 9 December, the PPR of Twintex - Indústria de Confecções, Lda. is approved.

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